WITH THE SUPPORT OF The Canada Council For the Arts The Ontario Arts Council
A striking visual experience… one is immersed in the difficulties and dangers faced by those who are forced to leave their homes in search of a solution to what their country cannot provide. — David Delgado, El Impulso
SYNOPSIS Three Venezuelan women cross the border into Colombia to buy a packet of pasta.
DIRECTOR'S NOTE The massive exodus from Venezuela has left an indescribable scar. The family has been separated, loss has invaded our homes. This catastrophe is relentless, omnipresent in every one of my actions, in the tired bodies and broken voices of relatives who say goodbye. This is an homage to those who sacrificed anything precious, and especially to grandmothers, mothers, and women who have relinquished everything of their own.
SCREENINGS 41st Sundance Film Festival - short film competition. USA